The 10 YEAR celebration of Innoseis

Last month, we celebrated the 10-year anniversary of Innoseis. As we’ve taken a moment to reflect on this incredible journey, we’re filled with immense gratitude and a profound sense of pride for what we have achieved with all of our employees and partners. This anniversary was not just about celebrating our accomplishments, but it also serves as a reminder of the challenges we’ve overcome together. We faced obstacles and uncertainties, but through collaboration and a shared vision, we emerged stronger and more resilient.


Looking ahead, we’re excited about the future and the limitless possibilities that lie before us. As we continue to evolve and innovate, we’re confident that our team’s dedication and creativity will lead us to even greater heights. 


To mark this special occasion, we’ve hosted a celebration at A’DAM Events tower to honor everyone who has taken part in our Journey.


Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with the team and to the venue staff for hosting an unforgettable event.