High dynamic range four axis Nano-g MEMS accelerometer with ultra low noise for space applications

Innoseis Sensor Technologies is at the forefront of utilizing MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) technology in the aerospace sector, offering innovative solutions that redefine traditional aerospace applications. Our high dynamic Nano-g MEMS accelerometer is an improvement to the existing state-of-the art due to its key performance measures that provide a significant improvement on sensitivity, stability and energy reduction. 

[Focussing on advanced inertial navigation systems for satellites and other spacecraft, tests conducted in low-vibration settings have displayed enhanced performance of the accelerometer. In addition to the tests, simulations have demonstrated the added value of the key performance measures that the accelerometer provides. In geostationary spacecraft orbit maintenance, these novel sensors offer finer monitoring of thrust manoeuvres, enabling autonomous station-keeping and diminishing reliance on ground-based orbit determination. Upcoming endeavours will broaden the performance evaluation of accelerometers, incorporating factors like thermal, shock, and radiation resilience.]


  • Terrestrial Seismic Exploration
  • Lunar Seismic Exploration
  • Martian Seismic Exploration
  • Satellite Tracking
  • Spacecraft Guidance
  • Inertial Navigation
  • Propulsion Control
  • Avionics

Use Cases ( copied from ESA file)


  • Precision orbit determination for (constellations of) satellites. Improved orbit determination will allow for more accurate and autonomous positioning. With higher volumes the cost price will be able to be driven down further allowing for a competitive advantage in this andother applications

  • Deep Space missions and the precision inertial navigation of space craft over longer periods of time. The accelerometer will provide a solution that is currently unfulfilled yet desirable for such use cases.

  • Flexible mode / sloshing, FDIR monitoring,and Delta-V monitoring all have a good qualitative overlap with the key performance indicators. Synergy could be found in the use of multiple sensor units throughout the craft to perform the required monitoring and analysis. 

Products [Optional]

Disclaimer: all accelerometers are tailor made to the specifications and performance criteria of the client. Therefore, they vary in their sensitivity, frequency range, size, power consumption, etc. 


Currently being used for lunar seismic sensing

Download regolith spec sheet

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